
The Wii Fit U Challenge Begins Tomorrow

I'm a Nintendo Brand Ambassador. It's pretty sweet. Because I'm a gamer with a deep, unwavering love for Yoshi, Nintendo sends me stuff on occasion so that I can immerse myself in a world of cute chirps and golden coins.

They recently sent me a Wii U console and a challenge - team up with my fellow ambassadors to get craaaaazy fit. After some soul searching, during which I found a bottle opener I'd been looking for, I agreed and was promptly added to the Green Team, aka Team "On Like Donkey Kong."

Basically I'm going to be playing a game called Wii Fit U and - most importantly - sporting a piece of wearable technology that Nintendo has released called the FitMeter. It tracks my steps and missteps in the real world whoaaaaaa.

I've so far resisted buying one of these things (whether it's a Nike Fuelband, Fitbit or Jawbone Up), so I'm pumped to finally see what it's like to track my calories, footsteps and moonwalk-to-cabbage patch ratio.

I have convinced my lovely fiancée to join me, so there should be twice the hilarity. Thanks for your support.

Disclosure: Nintendo has provided me with all the hardware and software referenced in this post. I was neither asked nor compensated to write this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

P.S. Thanks to Erini for the Green Team graphic!