
Geeking Out w/ Nintendo 3DS

I love you, Nintendo. You just made my night.

I was just sent a shiny red Nintendo 3DS, and I'm totally losing my mind over it.

I haven't owned a dedicated, portable gaming system since I had the original Game Boy when I was a kid. A big rush of old, old memories flew at me as I set it up, and I'm truly amazed by how far portables have come. It's bright, very quick and almost as sleek as my hair. 

I don't have any wicked games yet, but I played this built-in game called Argames that uses Augmented Reality and special cards to allow you to shoot dragons. I'm very familiar with AR, but I was truly smitten with Nintendo's play on it. As a dedicated World of Warcraft player (Be nice!), I'm always up for a chance to battle a dragon.

Anyway, I'm about to head to South by Southwest for a week, and the Nintendo 3DS is coming with me to keep me company at the airport and on the plane. Perfect timing. If you've got one, feel free to recommend a game or two.

Disclosure: I'm one of Nintendo's delightful brand ambassadors and was provided the item described in this post by the company. I also gave it a little smooch.