
Boulder Startup Week Preview

Boulder Startup Week returns for its 3rd year of events, breakdancing and derring-do. As the head organizer of the event, I'm privy to all of the potential shindigs as they're submitted. While I'm probably not supposed to pick favorites, I'm going to do so anyway because I'm leaving town at the end of the month. Jerks.

Ignite Boulder

I'm totally biased, but it's totally the best event of the week. Blend public speaking with public geeking -- that's Ignite Boulder. It's sold out, but if you managed to grab a ticket, please come to the front of the stage and say hello.

BoulderBeta 3.0.7

Easily my second favorite event this year, it's not to be missed. Local startups demoing their newest efforts, an iPad giveaway and lots and lots of geeks. 

The Art and Science of Caffeination

This is hosted by my favorite cafe owner *at* my favorite cafe -- Atlas Purveyors. I'm delighted to have something out of the ordinary during BSW. This will be marvelous and jittery.

Speed Bootstrapping 101

The Boulder Chamber is putting this together, and it's going to be rad. I'm honored to have them involved with the week, even though I wore a hoodie to my first meeting with them. (Sorry, folks!)

Kickoff Party with Trada

Trada throws a fine party, and this is their second year in a row hosting the opener. I might breakdance or float serenely above the din whilst sipping a DRY Soda.

MADE Movement and the American Manufacturing Renaissance

Some former colleagues of mine have started a new agency with a fascinating focus. I confess I don't know much about the state of American manufacturing, but I'm eager to get schooled.

Closing Party: Geek Field Day

Quick Left is one of my favorite local companies. They do amazing, amazing work and so I'm stoked to see what they came up with for BSW's closing party. There is nowhere else you should be on Saturday night.