
My FarmVille Experience So Far

I started playing Farmville last month or maybe in September because I wanted to better understand the motivations behind people who play the game. I'd surely talked smack about it before, having associated it with Facebook spam. So, on a lark, I linked my profile to the game and began in earnest.

Here's what I've learned so far:

  • I like that you can play it pretty passively - seeding crops and leaving them for most of the day, returning at night to harvest them and start the process over again.
  • Too many of the game's cooler items can only be purchased with FarmVille cash, a form of currency that is much harder to come by than FarmVille coins, which can be generated fairly easily.
  • I'm very tempted to spend real dollars on FarmVille cash because I really, really want some of the stuff you can only buy with them. I've resisted so far, but I totally understand the compulsion now.
  • I am really good at hiding my game activities from my friends' News Feeds, but it requires great vigilance. The game prompts you to share accomplishments ALL THE TIME, but I have yet to share a single game action with any of my friends, for fear of annoying them.
  • It's hard to get pigs. I wanted a whole army of pigs, but I've only been able to harness the piggy power of one.

That's all for now. I'm currently Level 25 and focused on growing sunflowers, having mastered both peppers and grapes. My Pops grows peppers, so I thought it'd be cool if I carried on the legacy digitally.
